About TheraPlay4Kids
TheraPlay4Kids is designed as a support base and springboard loaded with kid & family friendly ideas, suggestions, and activities. This site is designed by an OT for parents, clinicians, family and friends, who have and/or work with children who have sensory, developmental, or cognitive delays, as well as behavioral issues.
Blogs, articles, activity suggestions, guest speaker page, or info links can be found by visiting the navigation links at top of page where you can Click & Go! Material is Free to print, use and share for non-commercial use with credit to TheraPlay4Kids.com website link.
Please join our group page on FaceBook too!
TheraPlay4Kids has been developed for parents, caregivers, teachers, clinicians, clinics, facilities, schools, and other professionals in the hope of providing needed support, education, resources, and ideas that can positively impact a child’s life. Please share our site with others!
Children without a diagnosed delay can also benefit through early learning and advancement of their physical and cognitive skill base through individual or side-by-side participation with their sibling at home or with other children in a group setting.
TheraPlay4Kids uses Interactive Story Play (ISP) to engage children in the practice of developmental skills. Therapeutic based activities, ideas, exercises, blogs, newsletters, and an open forum for additional support are also available to enhance the TheraPlay4kids experience! Interactive Story Play is being brought to reality through the combined efforts of OT and ST - Meet us on the About Us page!
Free to print, use and share for non-commercial use with credit to TheraPlay4Kids.com website link.
Contact us: e-mail
FaceBook: TheraPlay4Kids Group
LinkedIn: Judy @ TheraPlay4Kids
Please note: All children are different and may have specific needs or issues that can affect their ability to take part is some of the activities suggested. It is always recommended to discuss any physical, tactile, or speech related activities with your child’s OT, PT, ST, pediatric physician, or intervention team, for guidance, direction, individual modification of the activity, safety, and to help achieve functional success and improvement in areas you would like to address.
Play is at the very foundation of a child’s learning, development, growth, and interaction.
Judy Benz Duncan, Occupational Therapist
Disclaimer Note: Before beginning any new program, activity, exercise, or make changes, be sure to consult with your child’s doctor, and service providers for individualized guidance, direction, and supervision. These ideas and suggestions presented on TheraPlay4Kids are meant to help support and promote, however, since each child, diagnosis, medical status, and situation is different, one should seek help and approval from your child’s providers in order to achieve the best outcomes and ultimate safety for all involved. Please make use of this site and all the information presented at your own discretion for the safety and well-being of all involved.