Sensory Texture Rubs
Sensory Texture Rubs
Some children seek out sensory input, and providing texture rubs and activities that help meet this need is a great way to help your child find appropriate ways to get the extra sensory input they need.
Remember to watch and observe, and use these methods as tolerated, stopping when child seems anxious, fearful, or overwhelmed. Give them some control on how much, how long, and what they will tolerate.
Some of the activities you may want to try include:
o Texture Rubs – provide a variety of materials where your child can touch or rub different textures against their skin. Once your child tolerates one type of texture, move on to provide other types of texture
o Try texture rubs to the back of their hand (to start), then to arms, legs, feet, back, head, as they tolerate the sensations
o You may find that your child will not tolerate certain textures, while they crave others. Building tolerance to a variety of textures will help them into the future when it comes to wearing different types of clothing, wearing winter clothes, washing, brushing their hair, trying on clothes or shoes, sleeping in a different bed when on vacation or on a sleep-over, and so on
o Make your own Sensory Texture Box! (See Blog)
o Try texture rubs while in the bath – you can use sponges, wash clothes, loofahs, soft sensory brushes, foam scrubbers, foam floatable toys, and so on
o While in the bath and trying the different texture materials (as noted above) change up the experience by use of different types of soaps (soft, foamy, oatmeal, bar, liquid), and shaving cream
o Use a combination of both dry and damp wash cloths and then change it up to wet and slippery soap rubs
o If your child cannot tolerate a bath and texture rubs you can try to provide the texture rubs over your child’s clothing, through a weighted blanket or vest. Start with what they will tolerate and work from there
Other ways to get in some texture rubs::
o Where the child rubs his hands across different textured materials (soft, hard, bumpy, rough, silky, etc)
o Uses chalk or crayons to color on paper that is placed over sandpaper or other textured media (leaves, wikki stix, lace doily, coins, mesh)
o Rubs their hands over a pebbled wall, and the like.
o Texture rubbings on a tree
o Get creative and see how many different types of items you can make a texture rub on – create a collage of all your efforts
o Encourage touch and feel texture rubs to explore their environment!