Activity Ideas

For Rainy Days, When School’s Out, During Long Hazy Crazy Summer Days or When Boredom Sets In

Click on any of the links below to check out different activity ideas that you and your child may want to try.

Make Sensory Slime at Home

Make a Variety of Sensory Feely Bags

Beyond Coloring! Lots of ideas and activities to choose from!

Pre-Planned Activity Sheets and Activities

  • Board Games, “kid” games, such as Candy Land, Memory, Hungry Hippo’s, dominos, pick-up-sticks, Old Maid, Go Fish

  • Floor games that include games like Twister, hopscotch, in-door bowling, bean bag games

  • Scavenger hunts inside and outside

  • Petting zoos or the regular zoo

  • Aquariums - if you have one that includes sensory touch tanks that would be a great experience!

  • Library - attend story time, check out a book, explore all that the library has!

  • Playlands, and indoor play zones (at fast food restaurants, discovery centers, and the like

  • Help with cleaning inside!

  • Help with yard work!

  • Build a leggo fort that they can fit inside

  • Dress for the wet weather and then go jump in puddles!

  • Help write a card or note to a family member, then let them stamp it and put it in the mail box; visit the post office to mail

  • Set up a play date - let them help plan if they are able

  • Have a picnic (inside or outside!)

  • Plan a movie-day or movie-afternoon right at home!

  • Make ice cream sundaes or banana splits at home

  • Feed the birds or ducks!

  • Put all the ideas in a bowl or box and pull an “activity for the day” out of the container every day - make a calendar to write down all that you’ve done that day, week, or month!

  • What other ideas can you come up with?

More ideas and activities coming!

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